Mommy Makover surgery requires at least 6 weeks for a full physical recovery

Posted by admin on Monday, August 23, 2010

After any major surgery such as a Mommy Makeover, you need to give yourself the time needed for complete physical recovery.

In most instances, a Mommy Makover includes a breast lift/implants (or breast reduction), a tummy tuck and/or liposuction.

For each of these surgeries individually, I counsel my patients to take 6 weeks off aggressive physical activity such as exercise, and to take at least 2-3 weeks off work, longer if they can!  For combined procedures, the effects can be cumulative and recovery can take a little longer. 

Becoming too active immediately after surgery can increase the risk of complications such as hematoma (bleeding), wound healing problems, increased bruising and pain!  You may also have drains, that require special care and attention until they are removed.  

When at home, rest as much as possible and have friends and family members assist you with your activities of daily living - like making meals, cleaning, child care, and transportation. 

If you need to work from home early on after surgery or at you desk at work, be sure to get up and move around at least each hour to encourage circulation in your legs and lungs, and be able to delegate any lifting more than 5 pounds to others in the workplace or your family for the first 4 weeks.

You are planning to invest a great deal of time, effort, energy and money into your surgery - be sure to also invest the appropriate effort in your recovery!
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